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Remote Learning: Week 2

Hello Sixth Class!

And so begins week two of remote learning! Well done on all your work so far and for taking part in our zoom last Wednesday. I have emailed a copy of this work to your parents this afternoon.

Below is the plan of work for this week (click to enlarge). I will post a daily outline of work on Seesaw each day with a suggested timetable and some videos to help with the work I have assigned. I

I understand it can be challenging to get work done at home in a busy house. However, as sixth class pupils, you are capable of completing your work independently using the help on Seesaw. It is important that you keep up-to-date with the corrections I return to you each day and submit work daily if possible.

As always, it is important to to read each day. If you need a new book to read, books will be available for collection on Friday 22nd at the school between 11am and 1pm. I will upload photos of the books available from the classroom on Seesaw and you can choose from that selection. You can also access eBooks using 'BorrowBox' via Cavan County Library's website. Ensure to check the ZPD of the book chosen on to make sure it is at an appropriate level.

We will do a class zoom call each Monday and Wednesday at 2pm.  I have sent the link to your parents via email and will put it on Seesaw on Monday/Wednesday mornings.

Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via email I will do my best to help in any way I can.

Many thanks for all your efforts so far.

Stay Safe,

Ms Brolan


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