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Let's start term two of sixth class - remotely!

 Hello Sixth Class!

I hope you have all had a lovely, long  Christmas break and that Santa came!

As you all know, this month we will be learning together remotely using Seesaw. Luckily, we have used Seesaw in term one together already and you used it last year in fifth class so you are familiar with it.

Hopefully someone at home will collect your bag of books from school on Monday between 11am and 2pm. In your bag you will find the books you will need for the coming few weeks, a new copy to use as a 'remote learning' copy and a little treat! I have also included another copy of your Seesaw log in details if they are no longer in your journal and a hard copy of this week's work plan.

Below is the plan of work for this week (click to enlarge it). I will be posting a daily outline of work on Seesaw each day with a suggested timetable and some resources to help with the work I have assigned you.

Most of you should have your Master your Maths, English in Practice and Am don Léamh book in your school bags and should be able to start this work on Monday morning. If not, these books are in your book bag at school and can be started once that is collected.

It goes without saying that this is a very tricky time for everyone, especially families. This plan of work is not intended to put pressure or stress on anyone. Teachers understand that it can be challenging to get work done at home in a busy house. 

However, as Sixth class pupils, you are all capable of completing independent work. Some of the work assigned to you is usually part of your daily homework and so can be done alone. We are focussing on Maths, English and Gaeilge. It is very important that you do not fall behind in these subject areas in sixth class. Art, project work and PE activities will be outlined on Seesaw too if you would like to take part.

I am hopeful that each of you will send me at least two or three pieces of work each day using Seesaw. You are familiar with taking a photo of completed work and uploading it to Seesaw. You will receive a Dojo point for each piece of work sent to me and rewards will be given on our return to school.

I will upload the answers to your Master your Maths and English in Practice work the following day i.e. correct Monday's Master your Maths on Tuesday, just like we do in class.

As always, it is important that we continue to read each day. If you do not have access to reading material at home please let me know as we will have books available for collection on Fridays at the school. I will upload photos of the books available from the classroom and you can choose from that selection. You can also access eBooks using 'BorrowBox' via Cavan County Library's website. Ensure to check the zpd of the book you have chosen on to make sure it is appropriate for you.

We will do a class zoom call each Monday and Wednesday at 2pm. This will start this Wednesday Jan 13th. I will send you the link the day before the zoom call. These calls will be a chance for you to see each other, chat and go though some of the work I have assigned you. 

Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via email I will do my best to help in any way I can.

I will hopefully see you all (virtually!) this Wednesday, it will be a nice change to chat to you without a mask on! Let's focus on the positives.😀

Take care and stay safe,

Ms Brolan


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