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Genius Hour By Mikolaj, Sara and Lucy.

By Mikolaj, Sara and Lucy

We did Genius Hour for 4 weeks in November.

These are the people and what they did for Genius hour for the past 3 weeks.


Ben did his Genius Hour on Joe Biden. He told us that Joe Biden has Irish roots.


Grace did a PowerPoint on Milly Bobby Brown. She told us facts about her.


Mikolaj did a PowerPoint too. He done it about phones. He told us about the old Nokia flip phone.

Kelly and Emma:

They made cookies together. THEY WERE DELICIOUS.


Cormac did a PowerPoint about aeroplanes. He told us lots of facts about Airbuses.


Ugne made Tingings, it's a biscuit cake from Lithuania.


Genevieve did hers on Mike the Miracle/Headless Chicken. She told us about a chicken which survived without a head.


Alicja baked A Królewicz (Prince Cake). She had to make 2 brittle cakes, cream and a sponge cake.


Bonnie did hers on James Charles, she told us loads of facts about him.

Conor Smith:

Conor Smith baked vanilla cupcakes with icing. They were YUMMY.


Sara baked Red Velvet Cake with vanilla icing. They were DELICIOUS.


Lucy made Mars Bar Rice Krispie squares. They were SO GOOD.

Garry McGovern:

Garry did his about Christmas traditions all around the world. We learned alot.


Patrick did his on Bloody Sunday and the games played on the day.


Benas did his on facts about the Christmas Trees.


Ashton baked buns with his Nanny. They were TASTY.

Gary McCabe:

Gary made Rice Krispie buns with sprinkles on top, he gave everyone a recipie. They were AMAZING.


Mia made some Swiss Rolls with strawberries and cream inside. They were so FRESH.


Jack did his project on autism as he has it, and he's proud.


Angelena did her project about horses because her auntie has some in her stable.

Thanks for reading.


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