Christmas at Killygarry by Grace and Bonnie Last week we started decorating our classroom we recieved a pop up tree from Ms Prior and Alicja generously made a star for the top of the tree whilst we were decorating we had our hot chocolate party for getting 2000 Dojo points!! We warmed up the milk throughout the day in the slow cooker. Diane kindly went out and bought hot chocolate from Chapter 1 for all of us! These past few weeks we have been doing samba. On Tuesday we will be recording our samba performance while wearing Christmas jumpers. We've really been enjoying samba so far! We have been working on cards for Castlemanor for a few days now and on Tuesday we sent them off. We'e wrote a little message in the card wishing them a safe and happy Christmas! On the 22nd Santa will be visiting the school. All the classes will get a visit from Santa. We're all so excited!! On Monday we watched a live stream of a Christmas Mass...