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Science Week 2020 by Daria and Ugne

Cavan / Monaghan Science Festival 2020

On the 13/9/2020 we had started science week. Every single day of the week we had watched videos on different types of science. These are the summaries on each science topics.

MONDAY: On Monday we watched a video from the "Forensic Science Show-Science Foundation Ireland". A lady from the foundation told us about Forensic Science and Crime Scenes. She told us that a scientist comes to the crime scene looks for blood, fingerprints, saliva, footprints and any sort of DNA. They take photos, videos and drawings of the scene. They have to make sure not to leave any of their own DNA. The use black lights, clay, microscopes and powder to find evidence.
TUESDAY: Then on Tuesday we had Horrible science with Nick Arnold. Nick Arnold is an author who talked about his experience with his horrible books. His teacher never really liked the horrible books but that didn't stop him from writing. He also talked about the centre of mass. His show was mostly for younger kids but it was still enjoyable.
WEDNESDAY: On Wednesday we saw Dr. Matt Pichard. He is a scientist that does magic tricks and then explains the tricks with science. For Example one of his tricks was when he somehow changed the word "science" into "magic" on a mirror. Another trick he did was he took a can that was half empty and it slanted sideways like it was floating.
THURSDAY: Lastly, it was "The Science Of Roald Dahl"  it was presented by Jon Chase. He talked about some facts from different stories by Roald Dahl. For "James And The Giant Peach "he talked about if it would be possible to lift a peach with seagulls. He explained that about 4 million birds would be needed to lift a giant peach. Can you believe that?! And to get a giant peach to float in the sea it would need to weigh 12kg!

We had a lot of fun watching these amazing shows. Thank you  Cavan/ Monaghan Science Festial and to  "The Forensic Science Show" ,"Nick Arnold",   "Dr. Matt Prichard" and "Jon Chase" for making these shows to entertain us and teach us about science.  

By Ugne Smaleckaite and Daria Zelaowka


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