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Showing posts from March, 2020

Something to brighten up your day.

Check out how talented our 6th class are. This is a small sample of the amazing art work 6th class have completed at home this week.

Project Work

This is something the whole family can get involved in 😃 Project You will design, plan and build a model of one of the following: a famous landmark, stadium, bridge or boat. You can choose to either create your own model or base it on something that already exists (or a bit of both!). You can create it using Lego, wood, straws, recycled material or any material you want to use. The research part of your project can be typed, created on PowerPoint, placed in a scrapbook or in a copy. If you choose to type your project, you can email it to me Must include the following research ·          A drawn plan of your initial ideas ·          Outline why you choose this model to build ·          A design of the actual model with steps on how you plan to build it ·          A list of material...

World Book Day


6th class enjoyed making pancakes during Irish club 😄

Forestry workshop

On the 6th of February 6th class had a speaker from Green Schools Ireland. The class had a brilliant afternoon learning all about forests.

Check out 6th classes homemade board games.

6th class spent the month of January creating their own board games. They really enjoyed teaching  4th class how to play them.