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Showing posts from 2017

Fifth Class of 2017/18

Fifth Class for the 2017/18 academic year with their class teacher Ms. Smith
Welcome back to school fifth class for the 2017/18 academic year.  Your teacher for this year is Mrs. Smith.  Please keep an eye on your Class Blog for photos and events that have been or will be taking place during this academic year.

Giving back

We were busy at Christmas creating shoe boxes we could give to the less fortunate. We put lots of things into them that would be nice as a present at such a special time of year. Lastly, we wrapped them carefully with colourful wrapping paper. We hope they put a smile on the faces of those receiving them!

Staying Street Smart

Our class were invited to attend a talk given by the RSA on being street smart. There was also an interactive course where we got to show off what we learned. When we proved how we can be safe on the street we were given our licenses. Having RSA licenses mean we have a responsibility to stay safe on the roads and while travelling in our cars. We learned how important tips about road safety such as wearing a seat belt in the car and how to walk safely on country roads. Here's a few photos of their interactive course:

Halloween Transformations

We decided to dress up for Halloween. We had an assortment of characters enter our classroom for the day. Well done to all the children, they all looked super!

Talented Classmates!

Some of our class are members of our school choir! Recently they got the chance to attend the Peace Proms which is a choral education program set up by the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland. The trip was great fun and there were lots of talented musicians to listen to.

Our Class

This is a picture of our class. We are delighted to have Ms. McCabe teaching us this year.